On September 30, 2019 in the frameworks of “Improvement of Specially Protected Nature Areas (SPNA) management system of the Republic of Armenia through strengthening of international cooperation and capacity building of SPNA managing staff” project funded by the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia took place the final workshop, where the road-maps elaborated in the scope of project were presented. During workshop, Mr. Vardan Melikyan, the deputy minister of Ministry of Environment, Mr. Meruzhan Galstyan, director of «EPIU» SA, Mr. Karen Manvelyan, director of WWF Armenia, Ms. Nune Harutyunyan, director of REC Caucasus, Mr. Hovhannes Ghazaryan, national coordinator of UNDP/GEF SGP, Mr. Sargis Aghayan, president of «Union of Armenian Biologists» NGO, representatives of ME and «EPIU» SA were present.
Mr. Meruzhan Galstyan has welcomed the participants of the workshop and highlighted the significance of the compiled road-maps. Then, the national experts have presented “Road-map of developing the strategy for biological diversity conservation, protection, reproduction and sustainable use in the Republic of Armenia from 2021 to 2025.”
The reports written by national experts are attached below. All your comments and suggestions you can send us via info@cep.am e-mail.