On July 5-6 the head of Ecological education project division R. Shahazizyan, acting chief financier S. Ananyan and experts included in the conducted a working visit to Dilijan community of RA Tavush marz and Margahovit, Fioletovo communities of RA Lori marz in the frames of the PFG ‘’Strengthening land based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia”. This time a meeting was held with the representatives of “Ecopolis environmental center’’ NGO, “Support to women and children” NGO, “Youth ideas” NGO, “Dilnetservice” NGO and “Dilijan” local newspaper. Detailed information was presented to the participants on the goals, objectives, specificities and the envisaged activities of the project that will contribute to the increase of the adaptive capacity of natural and agricultural landscapes, as well as to the improve of social-economic situation of the population. The list of additional activities which the residents wanted to implement were discussed during the meetings organized with administrative officials and residents of Aghavnavank, Khachardzan and Haghartsin villages. They mainly related to the introduction of new varieties of berries, vegetables and fruits. Residents highlighted the importance of plant protection. They suggested to include topics on plant protection in awareness raising and knowledge component. With the participation of experts included in the project, activities envisaged by the project were discussed highlighting the importance of increasing the adaptive capacity of ecosystems to climate change. In all communities the organizational issues regarding the efficient use of common facilities (solar water heaters, dryers, greenhouses) were discussed with the residents. Overall, it was thought that it was appropriate to create groups of common user groups in the community and manage those structures. At the same time, there were suggestions that dryers and greenhouses would be provided to large families if possible to solve a number of social problems. Participants also highlighted the importance of increasing knowledge. It was desired that the topics covered in the workshop include materials enhancing the efficiency of agricultural works, development of ecotourism, the introduction of new crops, and the discovery of herb processing. Margahovit and Fioletovo residents have been given questionnaires and surveys in order to identify community needs. The stakeholders were briefed on the “Preparation of a Technological Action Plan”, “Overcoming Barriers to the Transfer and Diffusion of Climate Technologies “, as well as the “Technology actions” for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plans and their importance during the development of grant proposals. Guidelines and “Technology action plans” were disseminated among the residents of Dilijan town, Aghavnavank, Khachardzan, Haghartsin villages, Margahovit and Fioletovo communities, NGOs and voluntary unions.