In the frameworks of “Implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality concept in Ararat valley of Armenia” pilot project, the working group of “EPIU” SA with the lead of deputy director S. Baloyan on April 12, 2019, with a working visit has taken a trip to Narek community of Ararat marz.
The primary purpose of the working visit was:
1. Observe the working process of establishment of fruit orchards with the drip irrigation system in Narek community.
2. Discuss the assortment of the planting trees and preferable areas for creation of forest belts with the Head of Community.
The working group has visited all the areas, where it was envisaged to establish drip-irrigated orchards. Peach, apricot, plum, and other fruit trees were planted. Currently, the watering of seedlings is carried out by water trucks.
With the members of Council, the opportunities of creating wind power mitigating forest belts were discussed. As a result of discussions it was clarified, that plantation of trees should be carried out in the areas which could be provided with irrigation water and mostly with such fruit tree species which afterward could be used by the residents of the community.
In some areas, it is appropriate to plant decorative tree species. Further care and maintenance issues related to forest belts were also discussed. The representatives of “EPIU” SA have noted that forest belts should be maintained by the municipality funds. So, for this purpose, an agreement between “EPIU” SA and municipality should be signed, according to which the community would adopt the results driven by “EPIU” SA and would be obliged to organize the maintenance. The draft agreement was given to the Head of community for further discussions.