On April 12, 2018 “Environmental project implementation unit” State Agency conducted a workshop in Artik city municipal administration where they presented “Artik city closed stone pit waste and flood management” pilot project. The seminar was attended by the deputy governor of Shirak, the head of department of the local self-government and republican executive bodies, the head of Artik community, community officials, members of community council, heads of Harich, Nahapetavan, Vardakar communities, directors of schools, art and football sports schools. “EPIU” SA was represented by the director M. Galstyan, deputy director S. Baloyan, staff members G. Mirzoyan, K. Bznuni and experts hired within the framework of the project. The opening speech was made by the director Galstyan, briefly introducing the pilot program and its peculiarities. Artik community leader M. Varagyan underlined the socio-economic significance of the pilot program for the community. Experts made their reports and then answered the questions of the seminar participants.