Seminar-consultation with state and private companies and scientific institutions in energy and agriculture spheres

In the frameworks of regular seminar-consulting “Green Climate Fund – new financing opportunities” the “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” on 31th of January, 2019 has organized the ordinal meeting with private and public sector companies of energy and agricultural sectors as well as with scientific institutions. The first deputy minister of Ministry of Nature Protection, RA Irina Ghaplanyan has welcomed and in her speech has mentioned that environmental expenditures are serious and long-term investments. With the support of Green Climate Fund, in developing countries creation of infrastructures for climate change adaptation and mitigation will contribute to socio-economic development of the countries in parallel with the solution of environmental issues. The director of “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” M. Galstyan has presented the challenges of climate change, and the impacts on the Planet, the strategy of Armenia, new opportunities of climate financing and cooperating with Green Climate Fund. Afterward, the experts of the project have introduced principles and objectives of Green Climate Fund. Also, they have provided detailed information about the accreditation process, financial instruments (grants, loans, equity, guarantees) and the possibilities of implementing climate change programs with support of the Fund. In the end, brief guides about the activities, as well as opportunities for the cooperation of the Green Climate Fund were provided to the participants, published by the “EPIU” SI.