On the 24th January, 2019 in the scope of “Implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality concept in Ararat valley of Armenia” pilot project the deputy director of “EPIU” SI S. Baloyan, head of eco-educational division R. Shahazizyan, head of budget projects implementation division M. Tovmasyan, and senior specialist of eco-educational division G. Mirzoyan have visited to the Narek community of Ararat marz.
The main aim of the business trip was:
- Provision of information about the “Implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality concept in Ararat valley of Armenia” pilot project to the head of Narek community and staff of community council.
- Discussion of envisaged activities by the project.
- Collection of opinions of the community council and justification of project areas.
- Discussion of selection standards of potential stakeholders and justification of initial list.
In the municipality of Narek community, a meeting was organized with the participants of the public hearing. The head of community, council members and community residents were present during the meeting. After the head of community, G. Hakobyan has presented brief information about the project, S. Baloyan has briefly introduced “Convention To Combat Desertification”. Afterward, he continued detailed presentation about project’s components and the scope of activities envisaged by each of component. He highlighted the fact that through knowledge enlargement about the challenges and solutions of climate change, it is possible to reach the neutral degradation of soil. The problems regarding saving of irrigation water, generation of microclimate creating trees, and raise of soil fertility were also highlighted: the effective solutions of which would benefit to the increase in residents’ profits and the decrease of anthropogenic pressure on agricultural and natural landscapes.
On the numerous questions of participants were given many exhaustive answers.
It has been agreed to:
- begin the stakeholders’ applications acceptation,
- finalize clarification of the drip irrigation system and biohazard fertilization areas;
- choose the parts of the roads where the trees would be planted,
- as a community investment suggest the fertilization with biohazard, garden preparation for drip irrigation and cultivation activities.