Visit to Artik region

On August 13, 2021, Director of “EPIU” state agency A. Yesoyan, Chief specialist of the Project Implementation and Monitoring Department K. Bznuni and leading specialist of the same department D. Nikoghosyan left for Artik region. Read More

Works in Artik region going on

On June 2, Chief specialist of the EPIU Project Implementation and Monitoring Department Gevorg Mirzoyan and first-class specialist of the same department S. Ananyan were on a business trip to beneficiary communities of Artik region (Artik, Nahapetavan, Harich and Vardakar) within the frameworks of “Artik city closed stone pit waste and flood management” pilot project to observe the works carried out by the contractors. Read More

Works intended by Project going on

On May 25, within the frameworks of “Strengthening land-based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia” grant project, the staff of “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” state agency visited Aghavnavank, Khachardzan, Gosh, Haghartsin, Teghut settlements of Dilijan enlarged community of Tavush marz and Margahovit community of Lori marz.

During the visit, the second cluster of seedlings was distributed to the project beneficiaries.