IDF Grant for Environmental Governance, Inclusion and Transparency in Mining Sector

Project name: IDF Grant for ensuring environmental governance, inclusion and transparency in mining sector
Project objective: Improve the competencies of main agencies in the mining sector in the RA in order to fill the institutional gaps in environmental and social fields
Project implementation period (start-end): 01.03.2013- 29.09.2016

Implemented (implementing) works:
• Manuals on Environmental Impact Assessment were complied with the requirements of the new law on EIA and were approved by the RA Government on the bases of the protocol decision.
• “EIA thesis implantation expert”, “Web-designer/programmer” and “Cumulative impact assessment manual thesis implantation expert” terms of references were approved by the World Bank and competitions were announced for the purpose of acquiring consultation services directed to the task fulfillment.
• The terms of reference on shooting a documentary film about sustainable ecologic mining was written and translated in order to be submitted to the WB approval.
• English and Armenian versions of cumulative impact assessment manual was acquired from an international expert.