On April 3-7, 2023, “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” State Agency hosted the Projects Monitoring Mission of the Adaptation Fund (members of the delegation: Mahamat Assouyouti, Martina Dorigo, Alyssa Gomes), the purpose of which was to familiarize with the results of the projects funded by the Fund and implemented by the State Agency on the ground, monitor the successful experience and best practices performed by the EPIU, collect information on the progress of the project implementation, the lessons learned for further analysis and dissemination among other NIEs of the Fund.
According to the decision of the AF Board, following three projects implemented by the EPIU were monitored within the framework of the PMM:
“Strengthening land based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia”,
“Artik city closed stonepit wastes and flood management pilot project”,
“Engaging Future Leaders: Digital Education Module on Adaptation Challenges and Best Practices for Youth”.
During the five-day visit, members of the delegation:
- Met with Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan, presented the activities of the Foundation. The Minister stressed the importance of the effectiveness of the Armenian projects, noting that they will strengthen further cooperation for the benefit of the formation and development of the environmental sector. Representatives of the Fund noted that the recent re-accreditation and expanded accessibility of the EPIU will create all the necessary prerequisites for active interaction.
- Participated in the presentation of the activities conducted within the framework of the grant project “Artik city closed stonepit wastes and flood management”, held at the National Agrarian University of Armenia, presented the funding windows of the fund, including possible tools to ensure the continuity of the mentioned project.
- Visited the project area of the grant project “Artik city closed stonepit wastes and flood management”, got acquainted with the results of work carried out in the context of waste and flood management, met with the beneficiaries of the project, representatives of eco-clubs and NGOs established under the projject.
- Met with the Deputy Governor of Shirak region Anna Martikyan and discussed the prospects of cooperation with the Fund.
- Visited the Ararat region to get acquainted with the results of the AF funded grant project “Strengthening land based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia”, held meetings with beneficiaries.
- Held a working discussion on the work carried out in Vedi enlarged community with AF financing and the possibilities for further cooperation with the Head of community Garik Sargsyan.
- Visited Tavush region, where took part in the presentation and testing of an eco-educational module created within the framework of the AF-financed innovation small project “Engaging Future Leaders: Digital Education Module on Adaptation Challenges and Best Practices for Youth” in Dilijan State College.
- In Dilijan city, Khachardzan and Hovk administrative units of Dilijan enlarged community visited the project site of the “Strengthening land based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia” grant project, met and interviewed beneficiaries and contractors of various results of the project (field school, greenhouses, sun dryers, irrigation network).
- Held a working meeting with the Head of Dilijan enlarged community, David Sargsyan, during which the projects implemented in Dilijan community in recent years and the accumulated experience were touched upon, an agreement was reached on deepening cooperation around the most targeted activities.
- The delegates of the Adaptation Fund were also presented with the works carried out and planned to this day within the framework of the innovative project “Engaging Future Leaders: Digital Education Module on Adaptation Challenges and Best Practices for Youth”, invited contractors presented the work on the development of the concept carried out at the initial stage of the project development, as well as ongoing work on the dissemination and testing of the created eco-educational module, given the importance of the successful implementation of the project for the Fund as the first innovative project funded by the last.
During the final discussion held on April 7, representatives of EPIU and participants of the Mission summed up the results of the mission in a preliminary format and shared their impressions. The AF delegates noted that for the first time in their experience they are monitoring 3 funded projects simultaneously and are impressed by the scale of the work carried out by EPIU. They also noted that they consider their mission successful because they had the opportunity to witness how the Fund’s financial resources improve the lives of vulnerable groups, while at the same time helping to strengthen their capacities to adapt to the negative effects of climate change, which is the main goal of the Adaptation Fund.
The members of the mission proposed to cooperate around the possibility of sharing EPIU’s rich experience in project implementation, monitoring, result-based and adaptive management with other entities accredited to the Fund.