Environmental Project Implementation Unit announces a request for quotations for the supply of greenhouses

“Environmental project implementation unit” State Agency of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia gives notice for a price quotation which shall be carried out in one stage, through Armeps (www.armeps.am) system of electronic procurement /the notice can be found here: in Armenian, in Russian, in English/.

The bidder selected based on the results of the price quotation will be proposed, in a prescribed manner, to conclude a contract of “Greenhouses”.

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On procurement”, any person, irrespective of the fact of being a foreign natural person, an organisation or a stateless person, shall have equal right to participate in the price quotation.

The qualification criteria for the persons ineligible to participate in the price quotation, as well as for bidders, and the documents to be submitted for the evaluation of those criteria shall be established by the invitation for this procedure.

The selected bidder shall be determined from among the bidders having submitted bids evaluated as satisfying the requirements of the invitation, by the principle of giving preference to the bidder having submitted the lowest price proposal.

For receiving the hard copy of the invitation for the price quotation, it is necessary to apply to the contracting authority by 12:00 of the 7-th day from the date of publication of this notice. Moreover, an application in writing must be submitted to the contracting authority for receiving the hard copy of the invitation. The contracting authority shall ensure the free of charge provision of the hard copy of the invitation on the first working day following the receipt of such request.

In case of a request to provide the invitation electronically, the contracting authority shall ensure the free of charge provision of the invitation electronically within the working day following the date of receipt of the application.

Failure to receive the invitation shall not limit the bidder’s right to participate in the price quotation.

The bids for the price quotation must be submitted electronically, through Armeps (www.armeps.am) system of electronic procurement, by 12:00 of the 7 th day from the date of publication of this notice. The bids may, in addition to Armenian, also be submitted in English or Russian.

The bid opening will take place electronically, through Armeps system of electronic procurement, at 12:00  on the  7 th day from the date of publication of this notice /June 9/.

The appeals concerning this procedure must by filed to the Procurement Appeals Board, to the following address: Melik-Adamyan St. 1., Yerevan. The appealing shall be carried out as prescribed by the invitation for this price quotation. For filing the appeal, a fee shall be required in the amount of AMD 30 000 (thirty thousand), which must be transferred to the treasury account 900008000482 opened in the name of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia.

For receiving additional information concerning this notice, you may apply to H.Karakhanyan – Secretary of the Evaluation Commission.


E-mail: procurement@epiu.am