Working discussions in the municipality of Narek community

In the frameworks of “Implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality concept in Ararat valley of Armenia” pilot project, the working group of “EPIU” SA with the lead of deputy director S. Baloyan on April 12, 2019, with a working visit has taken a trip to Narek community of Ararat marz.

The primary purpose of the working visit was:

1. Observe the working process of establishment of fruit orchards with the drip irrigation system in Narek community.

2. Discuss the assortment of the planting trees and preferable areas for creation of forest belts with the Head of Community.

The working group has visited all the areas, where it was envisaged to establish drip-irrigated orchards. Peach, apricot, plum, and other fruit trees were planted. Currently, the watering of seedlings is carried out by water trucks.

With the members of Council, the opportunities of creating wind power mitigating forest belts were discussed. As a result of discussions it was clarified, that plantation of trees should be carried out in the areas which could be provided with irrigation water and mostly with such fruit tree species which afterward could be used by the residents of the community.

In some areas, it is appropriate to plant decorative tree species. Further care and maintenance issues related to forest belts were also discussed. The representatives of “EPIU” SA have noted that forest belts should be maintained by the municipality funds. So, for this purpose, an agreement between “EPIU” SA and municipality should be signed, according to which the community would adopt the results driven by “EPIU” SA and would be obliged to organize the maintenance. The draft agreement was given to the Head of community for further discussions.

Final working meeting in the frameworks of GCF’s delegation visit

On April 3 2019, the final meeting with the delegation of Green Climate Fund took place in the office of SA ″Environmental Projects Implementation Unit″. Where the representatives of Green Climate Fund and “EPIU” were present, the meeting participants worked and discussed themes predefined during the previous meetings regarding the cooperation between Fund and the country. Read More

GCF’s delegation visit to Armenia

On April 1-3, 2019 the delegation of Green Climate Fund (GCF) with the lead of head of programs, Mr. Clifford Polycarp arrived to Armenia. On April 1, SA “EPIU” hosted them in its office. During the working meeting the director of SA “EPIU”, M. Galstyan with the project experts presented EPIU’s adopted strategy in the scope of cooperation with Green Climate Fund, as well as some issues and challenges arisen so far. Several project concept ideas and suggestions regarding private sector inclusion were discussed. During the meeting, GCF representatives and EPIU team also reviewed the projects under implementation funded by GCF as well as the further cooperation prospects. A fruitful discussion was launched, as a result of which the parties agreed on further meeting formats.

Working visit to Narek community

On the 14th March, 2019 in the frameworks of “Implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality concept in Ararat valley of Armenia” pilot project the deputy director of “EPIU” SI S. Baloyan, head of eco-educational division R. Shahazizyan, head of budget projects implementation division M. Tovmasyan, senior specialist of eco-educational division G. Mirzoyan with a working visit have taken a trip to Narek community of Ararat marz.

The primary purpose of the working visit was:

  1. Observe the working process of establishment of fruit orchards with the drip irrigation system in Narek community.
  2. Pass the first batch of bio-humus to the community.

In Narek community all the areas, where was envisaged to establish more than 10 hectares fruit orchards with drip irrigation system were visited. For more than 5 hectares areas the activities for creation of fruit orchards have been started. The preparation of planting pits is being implemented by means of the grant, and the acquisition of seedlings and plantation activities are investments of the stakeholders. The implementation activities are at a sufficient level which means that the planting pits meet the requirements of ToR, seedlings are of high quality, and the plantation process is in accordance with accepted agrotechnical conditions.

The first batch of 5 tones of bio-humus was passed to the community, which should be used for the enrichment of planting soil.