The Adaptation Fund Board approves first two innovative small grants one of which was EPIU’s

The Adaptation Fund Board approves “Engaging future leaders: digital education module on adaptation challenges and best practices for youth” grant project.

The new grant window projects approved by the Board include small innovation grants for Armenia (through its NIE, EPIU) and Chile (through its NIE, AGCID), and one project scale-up grant for Rwanda through its NIE, the Ministry of Environment – totaling about US$ 560,000. The Armenia grant ($250.000) is aimed at engaging future leaders through a digital education module on adaptation challenges and best practices for youth.

The official approval letter was sent to EPIU by the Adaptation Fund Secretariat  

For more information visit the following link:

http://The Adaptation Fund Board approves “Engaging future leaders: digital education module on adaptation challenges and best practices for youth” grant project


Land reclamation activities in Vardaqar Community

On 23 and 24 October 2019 in the frameworks of “Artik city closed stone pit wastes and flood management” pilot project Koryun Bznuni employee of EPIU took a business trip to Vardaqar community of Artik region, for organizing land reclamation activities. Read More

Land reclamation activities in Artik Community

On October 8 and 9, 2019 in the frameworks of “Artik city closed stone pit wastes and flood management” pilot project employees of EPIU David Nikoghosyan and Koryun Bznuni took a business trip to Artik Community, for the organization of land reclamation activities. As a result of initial discussions with Community Heads, Council members and stakeholders it was decided to hand in the mineral and organic fertilizers to beneficiaries during October and at the same time organize land reclamation activities.

The above-mentioned land-reclamation activities are in the spotlight of ANAU’s Scientists of Ecology and Organic Agriculture Research Center and Forestry and Agroecology chair.

Information regarding the professional consulting activities can be found via the following link: 

Source of material:

Land reclamation activities in Nahapetavan and Harich communities

On 23 and 30 Septmber 2019 in the frameworks of “Artik city closed stone pit wastes and flood management” pilot project employees of EPIU took a business trip to Harich and Nahapetavan communities of Artik region, for organizing land reclamation activities. In the result of initial discussions with Community Heads, Council members and stakeholders it was decided to hand in the mineral and organic fertilizers to beneficiaries on 23rd and 30th September in Harich and Nahapetavan communities, respectively, and at the same time organize land reclamation activities. In Harich the total number of stakeholders was 102 people, and in Nahapetavan 142 people. The total area of fertilizing lands is 60 hectares, and in Nahapetavan 80 hectares.

The above-mentioned land-reclamation activities are in the spotlight of ANAU’s Scientists of Ecology and Organic Agriculture Research Center and Forestry and Agroecology chair.

Information regarding the professional consulting activities can be found via the following link: 

Source of material:

Workshop in Yerevan

On September 30, 2019 in the frameworks of “Improvement of Specially Protected Nature Areas (SPNA) management system of the Republic of Armenia through strengthening of international cooperation and capacity building of SPNA managing staff” project funded by the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia took place the final workshop, where the road-maps elaborated in the scope of project were presented. Read More