Adaptation Fund Board endorses grant project presented by EPIU

On March 12-15, 2019, the meeting of the UN Adaptation Fund (AF) took place, in the course of which, “Enhancing of Adaptive Capacity of Communities and Ecosystems Adjacent to Specially Protected Areas of Nature of Armenia” grant project costing USD 2.5 million, submitted by “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” SI of the Ministry of Nature Protection, was considered and approved.

The objective of the project is to reduce the climate risk vulnerability of local communities living adjacent to the “Khosrov Forest” and “Dilijan” National Park by strengthening the adaptive capacity of the agricultural sector and reinforcing their institutional and planning capacity for climate change adaptation.

The project has three expected outcomes:

Outcome 1:     Community based, climate smart agricultural practices are implemented in degraded areas to reduce climate risks vulnerability of production systems and sustain protected areas;

Outcome 2:     Value chains for climate smart agriculture are strengthened and climate smart technologies are accessible for vulnerable rural communities;

Outcome 3:     Awareness, planning, monitoring and decision making capacity on climate smart agriculture production methods and land degradation neutrality has increased in target  communities;

You can download the program at the following link: