Acting Deputy Minister Anna Mazmanyan pays a working visit to Artik community of Shirak marz

Within the frameworks of “Artik city closed stone pit waste and flood management” grant project funded by the UN Adaptation Fund, Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan and the “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” (EPIU) state agency staff, headed by EPIU Acting Director Armen Yesoyan, paid a working visit to Artik community, Shirak marz.

The goal of the project is to increase the adaptation level of natural and agricultural landscapes in the conditions of global climate change, to prevent floods, to reduce their impacts, to restore the natural landscape affected by climate change, to increase the knowledge level of the population on climate change and adaptation.

The Acting Deputy Minister together with the colleagues visited the flood management construction area implemented under the 2nd component of the project to assess the efficiency of the works just on site.

The problems that arose during the works and their possible effective solutions were discussed with the employees of “Merdzmoskovyan” (Moscow-area) OJSC, the company implementing the construction, “Hayjrnakhagits Institute” LLC, the company implementing copyright control, and “Husali Kamar” LLC, the technical supervisor.

A visit was also paid to the construction area of the 30-hectare rest area and 10-hectare forest park implemented under the first component of the project, where a number of current working issues were discussed with the employees of “​Constanta Bild” LLC construction company and technical supervisor “Husali Kamar” LLC.

Anna Mazmanyan stressed the positive impact of this component of the project and the essential significance on the health of Artik residents.

The Acting Deputy Minister visited the 2-hectare area of the forest park with 1075 different seedlings created in Vardakar community within the framework of the project and had a discussion on the organization of the further care with the community head.