The objective of the project is the improvement of management regime and the establishment of “Khustup” and “Gnishik” new sanctuaries.
Project duration: 2010-2013
Within the scope of the project there were implemented:
1. The RA law drafts on making amendments to the RA laws on “Specially protected areas”, “Local self-government bodies”, “Environmental supervision” and the RA Soil code were prepared and approved by the RA Government. The draft package is in the agenda of the RA National Assembly.
2. The decree draft (in 2013) of the RA Government on “Defining the establishment order of specially protected areas and the lapse of the RA Government N 72-Ն decree (January 22, 2009)”
3. Proposals on improving institutional ties in the field of management of sanctuaries were developed.
4. “Methodological guide book about launching institutional ties in the sphere of management of nature reserves” was developed and approved by the interested parties; furthermore it was ratified with the N 195-Ա decree of (30.08.2013) the RA Minister of Nature Protection and was published.
5. Methodological guide book about “Introducing community and _______ government models of nature reserves” was developed and approved by the interested parties; furthermore it was ratified with the N 195-Ա decree of (30.08.2013) the RA Minister of Nature Protection and was published.
6. The existing information on biodiversity of “Gnishik”, “Zangezur” and “Khustup” state sanctuaries was collected, data was assembled and assessment of reserves caontaining significant pant species was done.
7. Lectures on informing public about SPAs were delivered in the RA Vayoc Dzor and Syunik Regions.
8. Course program about training heads of envisaged reservoirs was worked out.
9. The joint decree draft, on “Gnishik” protected landscape, of the heads of Areni, Gnishik and Khachik communities was worked out, considered in the above mentioned communities, thus approved
10. .The charter of commercial and non-commercial community organizations implementing administration of SPAs having the category of protected landscape was developed.
Colorful leaflets illustrating natural values of “Gnishik”, “Zangezur” and “Khustup” specially protected areas were prepared and printed.
Zangezur – cover and the last page PDF
Zangezur Leaflet PDF
Gnishik– cover and the last page PDF
Gnishik Leaflet PDF
Khustup – cover and the last page PDF
Khustup Leaflet PDF