Final series of workshops in Tsaghkadzor

On September 9-12, 2020, a series of workshops in the frameworks of “Support to Produce the Sixth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)” UNEP/ GEF project took place at the “Tsaghkadzor General Complex” hotel.

Director of “Environmental Projects Implementation Unit” SA Mrs. Ruzanna Voskanyan welcomed participants and briefly presented the project, it’s main objectives, and implemented activities so far.

Next, our partners who were previously engaged in the formulation of the 6th National Report to the CBD Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan – Director of the Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus, and Mrs. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan – the member of the Board of Directors of REC Caucasus continued the presentation.

Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan referred to the activity of the REC Caucasus in the field of biodiversity conservation, touched upon the National Biodiversity Targets, as well as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and their national introduction. And Mrs. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan presented the specially protected areas of Armenia and gave the country’s updated description of biodiversity.

Representatives from different relevant organizations from the public and private sectors, such as Ministry of Environment, ADB, Yerevan Municipality, Khosrov Forest State Reserve, and others participated in the discussion and shared their opinions regarding the presented topics.

The session turned out to be quite interesting and engaging!

Thanks to all the participants and speakers!

The other two summarizing workshops in the frameworks of the aforementioned project are envisaged to be organized nextly in Dilijan, which will be referred in our page nextly!